Inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube
Inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube

inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube

These blended lines overlap the imaginary line between the two sections of hair. Change the menu to Specified Steps and alter the count to around 7. Go back to Object > Blend then select Blend Options. With both new paths selected go to Object > Blend > Make. Make a copy of the portion of the outline between the hair and skull shapes, give this path a white fill then move it back into place. Give this duplicate outline a white stroke then use the Smart Guides to accurately move it back into place. Use the Direct Selection tool to select, copy and paste a portion of the hair outline. Press CMD+] to arrange the stacking order to place the skull on top of the hair. Give the hair a black fill and the skull shape a temporary white fill. Once the shapes are filled this line won’t be visible. Close the path by cutting straight across the main skull shape. Use the Pen tool to continue a path to represent a pompadour hair outline. The skull shape is currently still two separate paths, so drag small selections around the overlapping end points at the top and bottom of the shape and join them together to form one continuous path. Move this second half into place by snapping it to the guideline. Go to Object > Transform > Reflect and select the Vertical axis. Select the whole path then Copy (CMD+C) and Paste in Front (CMD+F).

inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube

Toggle on Smart Guides (CMD+U) to make it easy to snap to the guideline. Use this guide as a centre line to create one half of the skull graphic using the Pen tool.

inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube

Open up Adobe Illustrator and drag a guide onto the artboard.

inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube

View the final Greaser Logo/T-Shirt Design To take the edge off the clean vector lines a couple of textures are added to create that old aged appearance. The logo is made up with vintage style type layouts and features a skull graphic with a classic pompadour. The design we’ll be creating is based on an old school customs garage named Greaser Customs.

Inkscape tutorial vintage logo youtube